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5S (workplace organization methodology) activities

Through the 5S activities, we are taking steps to upgrade quality, safety and improve efficiency.

The meaning of 5S is in the following five elements starting with S: seiri, seiton, seisou, seiketsu and shitsuke, which in English mean organizing, tidying, cleaning, cleanliness and discipline.
Nippon Surfactant Industries continually upgrades its work efficiency by promoting 5S activities and ensuring an organized, tidy workplace to prevent functional deterioration of its facilities.

  1. Seiri (organizing)determine what is necessary and what is unnecessary and dispose of unnecessary items.
  2. Seiton (tidying)place what you do need in a way that is easy to use.
  3. Seisou (cleaning)make sure that the workplace is free from trash and dirt.
  4. Seiketsu (cleanliness)keep things clean.
  5. Shitsuke (discipline)make a habit of putting rules into practice.

EXAMPLES OF ACTIVITIES - Let us show how we handle 5S!

We hang tools for maintenance on the wall. If someone uses one of the tools, he or she hangs a magnet plate with his or her name printed at the prescribed space where the tool was hanging. This way, you can tell who is currently using the tool and there are no worries about losing it.
Spare valves and piping joints are aligned by size. With just a glance you can find anything you want. This has allowed us to easily know the quantity of the stock and also facilitated ordering of components and materials! There is no longer any unnecessary stock. This also helps reduce waste and workload.
All of the valves are placed in one spot. This has facilitated operations.
A tag is used for showing the status of a valve: open or closed. You can tell the status of a valve just by looking at it.
Now, we are using the same model of printers across the company. This has minimized the trouble of tidying and facilitating the management of the stock of ink cartridges. This also helps reduce costs.

We have a system that allows the whole company to engage in 5S, such as a regular monthly patrols and a biannual commendation event for the Excellence Circle awards for the best performance. The system helps improve, as well as maintain a tidy workplace.